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Ispeak dog ify

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Mother Nature-have we offended thee? Here's what people are saying in print, on air and online: itchy, watery eyes-Ah, spring! Pollen counts are at record highs, and experts are saying that this is the worst allergy season in ages. Or maybe Bush will just move his press conferences back to the East Room. The White House should consider not cleaning up after them." An "intriguing" idea, says Fleischer. A 12-year-old girl who passed through the briefing room on a tour recently wrote Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: "The press doesn't clean up after itself. The Bushies aren't the only ones who've noticed. At the end of the day the place is littered with half-full cartons of Thai takeout, coffee spills and crumpled newspapers.

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So the neat-freak Bushies are increasingly dismayed by the sloppy habits of the Fourth Estate. Bush gave his third televised press conference last week, is as close as they get to an inside look at the West Wing. WHITE HOUSE Cleaning Up the Press Mess For many Americans, the White House press room, where President George W. Supporters expect a vote around Memorial Day. Ted Kennedy is backing a bill to hike the federal minimum $1.50 over three years. Most living-wage laws apply only to city employees and contractors, but 11 states also mandate their own minimum wage for all workers. Frustrated by stalled efforts to raise the $5.15-an-hour federal minimum wage, Ventura County, Calif., boosted wages for city workers to a minimum of $8 an hour-joining more than 60 local governments that have passed living-wage ordinances in the last five years. I'm not saying he should do nothing, maybe just read and rest a little." PROTESTS Move It Up The 'living wage' movement is spreading. Joaquin Navarro-Valls: "I wish that someone, perhaps with greater success than I've had, would explain the concept of a 'weekend' to the pope. Meanwhile, John Paul has just completed a grueling six-day pilgrimage to Greece, Syria and Malta, and plans a trip to Ukraine in June. But most Vatican authorities say the pope would never resign: he believes, they say, that taking leave of the job is God's decision, not his. According to that scenario, the cardinals would remain in Rome for a quick conclave to name the next pope. They speculate that the real purpose of the three-day meeting is to give the cardinals (especially the 44 new ones) a chance to get to know one another better before they gather again to elect his successor.Īnother guess: John Paul called the meeting to announce his resignation. 6 letter, "Novo Millennio Ineunte." But institutional innovation hasn't been a hallmark of his 22-year reign, and Vatican watchers note that in what many consider his waning months, the increasingly frail pontiff, who's soon to be 81, is not entertaining new ideas. Stay safe.THE POPE A Cardinal Get-Together in Rome Why has Pope John Paul II summoned all 183 cardinals to Rome next week? His stated reason: to help him launch the new church initiatives he outlined in his Jan. * Amaryllis, which can cause convulsions and stomach pain.ĭon't forget to remindi family and guests that the foods and alcohol we may enjoy during this season can be too rich and possibly harmful for our companion pets. TheĮffects are similiar to chocolate and caffeine. * Holly, which includes the leaves, berries and bark. * Mistletoe - when swallowed becomes toxic. * Poinsettia - mildly toxic when swallowed. And the tree's oil can irritate their mucous * Pine needles, which become harmful when swallowedĬausing punctures to the lining of the stomach or So, here are a list of plants to watch out for that can be either toxic or harmful to your pets: However, plants may not be necessarily be on our radar. Our pets are very curious creatures and can easily get into things that are new and pique their interest and sense of smell.ĭecorations are usually something we naturally try to keep away from inquisitive pets.

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Now that the holidays are in full swing, please be extra careful with all holiday decorations and plants around your home.

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